Monday, February 13, 2012

Just a piece of clay...

Haven't posted in a while.  Watching the world and how fast it spins.   I watched a new baby come into the world and watched a young mom say last goodbyes to her children. Heard of friends who finally married after being together for 32 years and counseled a couple being torn apart after only a year. Watched a couple get engaged in the snow on an ice skating rink in Chicago and I watched a friend take her last breath in her husbands loving arms. And God was present for it all. 

We all know there is a cycle of life.  There are seasons.  Good seasons. Tough seasons. And in it all we have choice.  Maybe not choice in what happens both to and around us, but choice in how we respond, how we move forward, how we determine our gratefulness, how we act.  ACT ....  either how we respond or what action we take.   In all, God is present.  In all, there are blessings.  In all, there is a choice to respond. And in all is a faithful God. 

Lately, I have been feeling like I am stuck in some kind of a holding pattern, neither moving forward nor back.   This is something I am not used to.  I have tremendous faith in our God.  Everyday, almost without fail, I look up, look to God and say Let's go!  Bring it on!  Use me for your will. I do believe this keeps life moving fast.  Abide in Him.   Yet I am somewhat on pause. I meant to be learning something.  Do I need to slow down to learn?  And learn what?  God, what are you asking?

I love to cook.  I LOVE to eat.  Mick too.  It's one of our love languages. Food....yum!  But, a month ago Mick and I changed. In order to respond well to the things happening around or to us, we changed.  How do you change? How do you take on a challenge given to you?  Act....act intensly with focus. Mick and I are in the middle of facilitating our 12th Financial Peace class.  We KNOW if you want to live differently, you have to start thinking differently.  You have to make different choices.  It's not a game - it's have to be all in.  Want change? Act.

God gives blessings. God is faithful.  How we respond is up to us.  We are not powerless to our life.  You want to live debt free, it's a daily choice.  You want a good marriage, it's a daily choice.  You want to eat differently, it's a daily choice.  You want to be happy, it's a daily choice.  We have the ultimate power, the power to respond well.  That too is a God given gift!  God gives us the power to act. 

So when it is quiet.  When life is paused. Listen.  And if He asks - Act.  Maybe during the quiet times, he is redirecting you, reforming you, preparing you for the next step. 

He is the potter, we are the clay.