Notice the 1987 stock market crash. See that abrupt drop? I remember that one. The feeling that swept the nation was that the market would never, ever come back. But look. It did. Look at the new highs the U.S. stock market achieved in the 1990s.
The markets are a lot like life. Things happen. There are peaks and valleys. And there are events that send our lives plunging—sometimes to record depths. We think we will never, ever recover. But we do. Things get better.
So what does the chart of your life look like? Peaks? Valleys? Where are you now? If you are in a valley of unemployment and uncertainty with fog and darkness all around, grab on to this truth: This will not last forever. Things will change. For sure there are upswings and new peaks in your future. There are seasons of joy and prosperity ahead.
One day you will look at this chart of your life again, in another context, from another vantage point. You’ll be able to see the upturn that followed this difficult time. You recovered. You’ll look back and wonder how you ever made it through. But you did! I’m certain that you’ll say that as difficult as it was, you are grateful for all you learned, for all the ways your character was strengthened and for the ways this season of your life prepared you to handle what was, and is, to come.
Just hang onto that truth right now. Mark today’s date on your calendar. Write about it in your journal. And whatever you do, don’t give up. You may be in a valley right now, but an upturn is coming!