I've often sat in Sunday service listening to messages about how God is with you through the storms, He is there even when you can't hear him or things seem off-course. I sit there next to this man I adore, aware of the job I love and fresh from the house that's my haven. I think wow I'm so glad the storms are behind me. I've definitely been in the storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and even flood, famine and fire. But in the last 12 years, and most specifically last 6 years, it's been pretty calm, glassy waters. I know there will always be storms, but mine seems more like California storms. "Major Winter Storm Warning" flashes in blue across the television screen, The news casters announce that we may get as much as 1/2 inch of rain. Board up the windows and batten down the hatches, it's coming! When it's over, it didn't even wash my car. I've benn blessed with California storms and just wash my own car.
Then I decided to change jobs! Yes, I decided...it's all on me. I had good, sound reasoning. Did my due diligence - prayer, wise counsel, scripture - more prayer, more prayer and more prayer. After all, I was leaving God's house and heading back into the "real" world. It's kind of like breaking up with God, not really but felt like it. So lot's of prayer, making sure God was in this. We prayed. We went to a few trusted friends to seek their advice, listen to their thoughts (hmmmm can I blame this on them?). I had my prayer posse praying for months as the decisions were made. We read scripture. We made the decision and slept on it 7 weeks. I gave 3 months notice. I am a quick decision maker, QUICK! I think quick, I move quick. Mick, being the accountant he is, makes lists, uses the white board (the crazy BIG white board), does the research, processes and thinks ... then does it all again, and again. I get lightening bolts of inspiration and go. I move quick, and decisive, mostly led my intuition, gut and my ongoing chatter with God. I take risks, Mick takes notes. Yes a good team. We did both.
I often talk about God being loud. I have been aware of God my whole life. It's like He lived down the street. I'd see Him as I drove past, often wondered about Him. I'd see the parties He had, people coming and going from His house. I'd wave as I drove by, He'd wave back. He'd always look a little sad as I drove by and I'd always feel a little left out, but never enough to stop and just invite myself in. After all, I was busy, life for the most part was good. I didn't really need Him in my life. Plus I hear He has lots of rules to follow.
One day as I drove by, my car broke down in front of His house (metaphorically of course). He invited me in and I then realized why He always looked a little sad as I zipped by - He has always been inviting me in. I just was always too busy, too independent to recognize it. Once in His house, I found out He was my father, my friend, my confidant, my savior. All that time I could have just pulled up, parked and walked into His house, into His arms. Of course I was too stubborn and it took my "car" (aka life) breaking down to lead me to Him. Anyway I totally digress ....
Since going from just a neighborly wave with Him to living in His embrace, He has become exceptionally loud in my life. As decisions are made, plans are adopted, as life moves forward, He is there - loud and bold - clearly identifying the path. When things get cloudy, I can almost hear Him shout "this way!" One of my favorite phrases, "when God is loud." For me, He has been loud for the last 12 years.
Back to current events. I've change jobs, moved to new responsibilities, activities, routines and people. "Major Winter Storm Warning". I missed that announcement. Rain is pouring by the inches, the clouds are dark and heavy and the trees look like monsters swaying in the wind. It's a storm. A storm unlike any I have experienced in many years. My fathers house that has comforted me and kept me safe, feels far away. And my God who is so loud seems to be whispering. I strain to hear His whispers, but the rain and rustling of the tree monsters drown out His words.
I recognize I have been blessed by so few storms over the past 12 years. I am blessed that I have had such a loud God giving me an unbridled confidence in Him. Nothing about this has changed. I will wait out the storm, listening to the whispers, remain in Him. I will wait for the whispers to once again be loud.
I often talk about God being loud. I have been aware of God my whole life. It's like He lived down the street. I'd see Him as I drove past, often wondered about Him. I'd see the parties He had, people coming and going from His house. I'd wave as I drove by, He'd wave back. He'd always look a little sad as I drove by and I'd always feel a little left out, but never enough to stop and just invite myself in. After all, I was busy, life for the most part was good. I didn't really need Him in my life. Plus I hear He has lots of rules to follow.
One day as I drove by, my car broke down in front of His house (metaphorically of course). He invited me in and I then realized why He always looked a little sad as I zipped by - He has always been inviting me in. I just was always too busy, too independent to recognize it. Once in His house, I found out He was my father, my friend, my confidant, my savior. All that time I could have just pulled up, parked and walked into His house, into His arms. Of course I was too stubborn and it took my "car" (aka life) breaking down to lead me to Him. Anyway I totally digress ....
Since going from just a neighborly wave with Him to living in His embrace, He has become exceptionally loud in my life. As decisions are made, plans are adopted, as life moves forward, He is there - loud and bold - clearly identifying the path. When things get cloudy, I can almost hear Him shout "this way!" One of my favorite phrases, "when God is loud." For me, He has been loud for the last 12 years.
Back to current events. I've change jobs, moved to new responsibilities, activities, routines and people. "Major Winter Storm Warning". I missed that announcement. Rain is pouring by the inches, the clouds are dark and heavy and the trees look like monsters swaying in the wind. It's a storm. A storm unlike any I have experienced in many years. My fathers house that has comforted me and kept me safe, feels far away. And my God who is so loud seems to be whispering. I strain to hear His whispers, but the rain and rustling of the tree monsters drown out His words.
I recognize I have been blessed by so few storms over the past 12 years. I am blessed that I have had such a loud God giving me an unbridled confidence in Him. Nothing about this has changed. I will wait out the storm, listening to the whispers, remain in Him. I will wait for the whispers to once again be loud.