Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Seeking God

We returned from our mission trip to Brazil just one month ago.  My job on the trip was to watch and report God sightings.  Upon our return I wrote the following:
This trip was an amazing experience for all of us.  We learned about ourselves; we learned about service and support; we learned that there are many heroes out there doing God’s work; we learned it is not all about us;  we learned that we just may not know it all; we learned when we ask God to use us, we have to accept how He chooses to use us;  we learned we are incredibly blessed in our lives;  we learned prayer works even in the little things; and, we learned there are incredibly bright, almost blinding lights, in very dark places. We learned God works, we are just along for the ride.
These things were so evident in Brazil – partly of course because we were focused 24/7 on God, how He was using us and where He was directing us.  So why is that different now? Are we not called to be focused 24/7 on God? Are there not God sightings every day here in the United States if we watch for them? Do we not see God every day in our lives both in the simple things and in the big things? Yes…the answer to all in yes.
Years ago, in my pre-Jesus life (aka BC, before Christ or BS, before Salvation  J funny huh?), anyway years ago I used to write a lot…about life, about spirituality, about the God I thought I knew. I loved writing. When I became a Christian, I realized how little I knew. I discovered how small and insignificant I am in the presence of an amazing God. How do you write about that?  But traveling in Brazil, I sort of found my voice.  I am still humbled by how little I know and how indescribable God really is, but I do love seeking Him and sharing my sightings.  So I invite you to join me at my new blog  You can join by email and receive an email when a new blog is posted or feel free to just check in once in awhile as we seek Him together.

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