Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 ...On Belay

As we enter 2016, it begs us to look back at the past year.  I think there is truth in the idea that as we get older the years go by quicker. As a kid years seemed to go on forever; waiting to change a grade, to move up a notch.   Now as an adult, an adult in my 50's, I want to slow things down a bit.  Take time to cherish every moment, to truly live in the moment. But what does that even mean? 

Life tells us to get the most out of everything.  Go for the gusto, seize the day. Carpe Diem! Maybe so. But as I look back on 2015, I find myself not so much thinking about what I experienced or got out of the year, but what God did and how He grew me. 2015 was a stormy year, full of change, turmoil and redirection. And as He always does, God brought me through. He stretched me and grew me.  He rebuked me and redirected me. Maybe not so much physically but certainly in my heart and mind.  I came out of 2015 with new perspective, viewing myself and others differently.  Maybe even with more grace, grace for others and grace for myself.  

The challenge now is to maintain that new perspective, the new found grace in 2016. Since 2015 saw me leaving full-time ministry and re-entering the secular workforce, I had to not only realign my life, but my thought process.  Outside of full time ministry, how is God using me? How is He working in me and through me?  Has my value to Him changed?  All good questions.  All simple answers. 

It doesn't matter where I am. God uses me when I make myself available to Him. When I am alert to who and what He places in my path. I am of value to Him.  So as we enter 2016, my prayer is that God continues to use me and grow me.  That I remain in Him.  On Belay God, I am yours. And the new year begins.

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