Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What's Your Impact?

How do you know if you are leading a life of significance. If you are impacting the Kingdom?  I was very spoiled working at a church for the last 10 years.  Every day was impactful in some way - large or small.  But going back to the "real" world, it's definitely harder to see.  Part of me is struggling with why is this so important.  Did I just get used to it?  Feeling significant and relevant in Gods kingdom?  That is a bit of a rush, and significance and relevance gives you pride in what you do.  Hopefully the pride stops short of being prideful.

We are all in ministry every day.  Every day is the opportunity to represent God well.  But what if that's not enough?  What if you are yearning to hear Gods direction?  I've written this before, what if God is no longer loud and now there are just momentary whispers. Have you become lesser in the kingdom, lesser in Gods eyes?

I wouldn't presume to know what God thinks, but as with any parent, I think God sees the big things are something to celebrate. But a parent isn't all about the big things.  A parent is about their child's heart; their child's dreams.  A parent wants their child to love, to be loved, to aspire to be a better person, to grow and to flourish. I have to think that's what God want from us ... our hearts, our desire to please Him, growing, molding, shaping to be what He wants us to be.  Loving Him and loving others.  Isn't that what the bible clearly says?  So why do we struggle with "what's our life calling, what's out spiritual gifts, how is God using me?"  God is using us to love others for Him.  Period.

So when only whispers are present and there are no big, crazy ministry opportunities happening, simply look around and see who God is placing in your path to love.  Who is He asking you to care for? That's the impact you have, loving another person for Him. And that's a pretty big deal!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Breathe God

"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
    let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;

    let all the trees of the forest sing for joy."
                                    Psalm 96:11-12(NIV)
There are not many places that you can see, hear, touch, taste and breath God.  There are places we get glimpses and places where we experience God, but where have you been where you are surrounded by Him?  I can think of a few:

Zion, Utah - hiking in the early morning to see the sunrise, snow on the ground, animals rustling in the distance, ice cold and eager to reach our destination.  The sun rises, the mountains turning rosy pink, orange and reds in the early morning light. Pure silence, you could hear God breathe.

Mount of Beatitudes, Israel - sitting on the hillside, reading from the Sermon on the Mount; long strands of wheat-like grass blowing as the wind came up off the Sea of Galilee. It was as if you could feel Gods breath as He softly blew the blades of grass shining golden brown in the setting sun.

And today ..... have you ever driven through the magnificent Redwood National Forest?  Or better yet walked among these gentle Giants?  Only God could make some thing so incredibly majestic.  Walking in the grove, surrounded by royalty, a babbling brook in the distance, birds calling out and the faintest rustle of leaves.  Peace.  As I walked in silence, I just kept thinking "breathe in God, breathe out the world."  The Redwoods are the biggest living things on Earth. Heights of 370 feet and diameters of 30 feet are not uncommon. They can range in age from 700 to more than 2000 years—some of which were living when Jesus walked the shores of Galilee.  Today we walked among these ancient trees, some trees in the Prairie Creek grove were upwards of 2000 years old.  As you gazed up at those majestic 350 foot tall trees towering above you, you couldn't help but be in awe - shear awe. God is present, breathe in.

Today, the trees taught me.  The trees tower hundreds of feet up into the sky! How are such gigantic living creations able to exist.  It is easy to assume that they must have incredibly strong root systems that penetrate deep into the earth to enable these colossal trees to grow and to remain strong.  What is amazing about these majestic redwood trees is that although they may reach hundreds of feet into the sky, their root systems often are relatively shallow.  Yet, they withstand raging fires, violent storms, and fierce winds. So what’s to prevent them from toppling over and being destroyed when diaster strikes? How do they survive? They survive because 1) they live in groves, and 2) the roots of the redwood trees grow outwards – actually holding one another up by interlocking with the roots of other trees, hence the groves. There is no tap root and the other roots may reach no deeper than 6-12 feet. The major roots are about 1 inch in diameter and they typically spread 50 to 80 feet. One way in which the trees are able to remain upright for millennia is by growing close together with other redwood trees, intermingling their root systems. Through holding on to one other, supporting one another, they are able to thrive and hold themselves up to reach their amazing heights! In other words they support each other. They couldn't survive alone. That's a wow! The analogy is obvious.

We walked among trees scared by fire but still standing strong. The fibrous bark, which may be up to 1 foot thick, contains tannin which provides protection against fire, insects, fungus, and diseases which might damage the tree.  The burning/charring of the bark actually makes the tree stronger and although burnt on the exterior, they remain inwardly strong and still standing!  Can you relate to that? 

When a tree falls, it becomes part of the grove's ecosystem and creates fertile ground for new growth.  Even the fallen tree's roots can become new trees.  New growth continues, even though the tree appears to be destroyed. And the new tree originating from a root or burl are genetically identical to the original tree. 

Finally, although the Redwood can reach heights of over 370 feet, they have one of the tiniest cones known to man.  They are a reminder that some of the biggest and most majestic things can come from the smallest beginnings.  The experience of walking through the redwoods is truly breathtaking — it is among the most magnificent sights a person can see. It was truly walking in God's country ... created by Him, in all its majesty.  It was a living, breathing ecosystem that grows, regenerates, withstands time and creates awe in the little people who walk within it.  Little people, BIG God.

I picked up a bookmark in the gift shop... ( ) are my comments.

  • Stand Tall and Proud
  • Sink Your Roots into the Earth (but don't forget community)
  • Be Content with Your Natural Beauty
  • Drink Plenty of Water (a 200ft tree holds 34000lbs of water)
  • Enjoy the View! (God made it for you)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Got a net?

I've been thinking a lot about stories.  Everyone has a story.  Sitting in the airport today watching the travelers rushing by, I can't help but wonder what their story is.  The gal in her forties, dressed like she is a teenager.  Wearing huge, no HUGE, platform flip flops that appear to be at least a full size too big.  Or maybe the platform just so overwhelms her feet that the size is an illusion.  Her traveling companion is much younger.  At first glance you'd think they were a couple - second glance probably mother/son.

The three young Asian travelers quickly talking about their mentors, their work and where their lives are going.  Quick, bright, brimming with potential ... either some type of Masters or Doctorate program in some field beyond my understanding.

Stories.  You are at the beginning of a story, or a new chapter ... hopeful, excited, stretching to see the future, yearning for the outcome.  You are in the middle of a story, sitting idle, restless waiting to rev back up or on the flip side, tossed in turmoil, exploding in emotion just waiting to regain balance.  Wanting to find the new norm and settle back into "life." Or you are at the end of a story, closing a chapter.  By choice or by circumstance, nevertheless an ending. 

We are all moving thru, in different phases with different stories, but traversing life like the circus acrobat on the tightrope. Trying to maintain balance, keeping our composure ... "just don't tip, don't look down, steady now, steady...." I wonder how many of the airport dwellers are tightroping without a net?  As I squeezed into my assigned middle seat on the plane, my window traveler, a small, elegant Filipino woman smiles shyly.  Clutching her rosary beads, lips moving in prayer throughout the flight ... maybe holding the plane in flight?  Maybe praying for the people she just left? Or the people she is about to see?  Or maybe all?   Oh at least in part, it's the plane in flight .... as we land in San Francisco, she crosses herself, smiles and looks up thanking her Father.   As she makes ready to leave, she rearranges her study tracks, the top being Prayers for those afflicted with Cancer.  I can't help but wonder what my prayerful travel companion's story is? Not sure, but it's evident she is not traversing it without a net. 

Don't look down, but should you lose your balance, should you fall, He is there.  Keep it steady, focus on what's across the tightrope and be ever so grateful for the net.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Stupid is, as stupid does...

I am beginning a program to focus on writing.  First assignment is to write.  Hmmm....funny how that works. It says to begin where you are. To free form spill it.  It's not easy to really capture where you are ... right this minute.  My days lately have been consumed with two things: 1) work and transition, and 2) pain and lifestyle changes.  

Work and transition.  As most people know I left a ten year career 7 months ago.  I don't think I realized how working at a church filled you up and how empty you can feel when it's gone. It was 24/7, no - not 40 hrs a week, but literally 24/7 ministry.  From the day to day work to the "outside/other" ministry opportunities, it was a fast paced "God use me where you want me" work life.  Being a Christian, I am poised and ready for God to use me.  At North Coast, it was daily for 10 years.  Now, I sit. And sit. And sit waiting to see how and where He wants me.  Much harder to tell in this new life how or if I'm being used.  Doesn't feel like it. For the better part of the last 10 years God has been loud - I could hear Him moving me, pushing me, growing me.  Now I'm listening for whispers and getting an awful lot of silence.

Transitionally, I am also still trying to get me feet firmly under me.  New job, new tasks, new staff, new environment, new everything.  It's been 7 months and logically in my mind, I'd say my feet should be firmly planted, but most days I feel like I am walking on marbles.  Why is it so hard to get planted, to feel stable?  For this, at least currently, I have no answers.  Me! Who usually has answers for everything.  No answers - shocking I know!

Secondly, life is consumed with pain.  Just over 18 months ago, I started having daily headaches ... sometimes moving to migraines, but mostly just ever present headaches.  After much to-do, they appear to be a natural progression of Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with Fibro something like 5 years ago.  The first two years, I stood by the claim that I'm not convinced it even existed - so certainly I can't have it.  It's a myth.  Made up by lazy people.  At the same time I was told I have Osteoarthritis.  Ok that one makes sense and I know does exist.  Now some 5 years later, I'm told I have progressed to sever Fibromyalgia which brings with it daily headaches leaning towards migraines.  Hmmm....I guess it does exist.  Well that sucks. I've always been a work horse, taking more than my share, longer, harder, pushing thru.  As I look back, the things I've done were like moving mountains.  It's like I personally built the Great Wall of China, carrying each and every stone up the mountain.  I've been on that mountain, twice, it's BIG.  So now it's daunting and discouraging to spend a considerable amount of energy each day pushing thru body pain, head pain and ridiculous fatigue.  Seriously, in my mind I can build the Great Wall and now it's an accomplishment to make it thru the day without a breakdown.  Stupid.  (and scary)

My "writing assignment" says to go with the "current" of my emotions - where I am now. I am reaching deep to find that inspirational touch.  That "but here's the silver lining."  But sometimes it's just not there.  Sometimes it's just stupid.  That's what I got - stupid. 

1. Lacking intelligence or common sense
Synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, dull-witted, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, obtuse, doltish.
Someone who has to look up "stupid" in the dictionary because they don't know what it means.
OKAY, now that's funny!  So I think the inspiration here is that life is not stupid, I am for not appreciating life, appreciating all I do have, appreciating the amazing gift of every day .... every sunrise, every sunset, every glorious breath.  Who knew that God speaks thru the Urban Dictionary?  Yeah that was a bit more than a whisper.
Writing assignment done.

    • I am beginning a program to focus on writing.  First assignment is to write.  Hmmm....funny how that works. It says to begin where you are. To free form spI am beginning a program to focus on writing.  First assignment is to write.  Hmmm....funny how that works. It says to begin where you are. To free form spill it.  It's not easy to really capture where you are ... right this minute.  My days lately have been consumed with two things: 1) work and transition, and 2) pain and lifestyle changes.  

      Work and transition.  As most people know I left a ten year career 7 months ago.  I don't think I realized how working at a church filled you up and how empty you can feel when it's gone. It was 24/7, no - not 40 hrs a week, but literally 24/7 ministry.  From the day to day work to the "outside/other" ministry opportunities, it was a fast paced "God use me where you want me" work life.  Being a Christian, I am poised and ready for God to use me.  At North Coast, it was daily for 10 years.  Now, I sit. And sit. And sit waiting to see how and where He wants me.  Much harder to tell in this new life how or if I'm being used.  Doesn't feel like it. For the better part of the last 10 years God has been loud - I could hear Him moving me, pushing me, growing me.  Now I'm listening for whispers and getting an awful lot of silence.

      Transitionally, I am also still trying to get me feet firmly under me.  New job, new tasks, new staff, new environment, new everything.  It's been 7 months and logically in my mind, I'd say my feet should be firmly planted, but most days I feel like I am walking on marbles.  Why is it so hard to get planted, to feel stable?  For this, at least currently, I have no answers.  Me! Who usually has answers for everything.  No answers - shocking I know!

      Secondly, life is consumed with pain.  Just over 18 months ago, I started having daily headaches ... sometimes moving to migraines, but mostly just ever present headaches.  After much to-do, they appear to be a natural progression of Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with Fibro something like 5 years ago.  The first two years, I stood by the claim that I'm not convinced it even existed - so certainly I can't have it.  It's a myth.  Made up by lazy people.  At the same time I was told I have Osteoarthritis.  Ok that one makes sense and I know does exist.  Now some 5 years later, I'm told I have progressed to sever Fibromyalgia which brings with it daily headaches leaning towards migraines.  Hmmm....I guess it does exist.  Well that sucks. I've always been a work horse, taking more than my share, longer, harder, pushing thru.  As I look back, the things I've done were like moving mountains.  It's like I personally built the Great Wall of China, carrying each and every stone up the mountain.  I've been on that mountain, twice, it's BIG.  So now it's daunting and discouraging to spend a considerable amount of energy each day pushing thru body pain, head pain and ridiculous fatigue.  Seriously, in my mind I can build the Great Wall and now it's an accomplishment to make it thru the day without a breakdown.  Stupid.  (and scary)

      My "writing assignment" says to go with the "current" of my emotions - where I am now. I am reaching deep to find that inspirational touch.  That "but here's the silver lining."  But sometimes it's just not there.  Sometimes it's just stupid.  That's what I got - stupid. 

      1. Lacking intelligence or common sense
      Synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, dull-witted, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, obtuse, doltish.
      Someone who has to look up "stupid" in the dictionary because they don't know what it means.
      OKAY, now that's funny!  So I think the inspiration here is that life is not stupid, I am for not appreciating life, appreciating all I do have, appreciating the amazing gift of every day .... every sunrise, every sunset, every glorious breath.  Who knew that God speaks thru the Urban Dictionary?  Yeah that was a bit more than a whisper.
      Writing assignment done.

      ill it.  It's not easy to really capture where you are ... right this minute.  My days lately have been consumed with two things: 1) work and transition, and 2) pain and lifestyle changes.  

      Work and transition.  As most people know I left a ten year career 7 months ago.  I don't think I realized how working at a church filled you up and how empty you can feel when it's gone. It was 24/7, no - not 40 hrs a week, but literally 24/7 ministry.  From the day to day work to the "outside/other" ministry opportunities, it was a fast paced "God use me where you want me" work life.  Being a Christian, I am poised and ready for God to use me.  At North Coast, it was daily for 10 years.  Now, I sit. And sit. And sit waiting to see how and where He wants me.  Much harder to tell in this new life how or if I'm being used.  Doesn't feel like it. For the better part of the last 10 years God has been loud - I could hear Him moving me, pushing me, growing me.  Now I'm listening for whispers and getting an awful lot of silence.

      Transitionally, I am also still trying to get me feet firmly under me.  New job, new tasks, new staff, new environment, new everything.  It's been 7 months and logically in my mind, I'd say my feet should be firmly planted, but most days I feel like I am walking on marbles.  Why is it so hard to get planted, to feel stable?  For this, at least currently, I have no answers.  Me! Who usually has answers for everything.  No answers - shocking I know!

      Secondly, life is consumed with pain.  Just over 18 months ago, I started having daily headaches ... sometimes moving to migraines, but mostly just ever present headaches.  After much to-do, they appear to be a natural progression of Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with Fibro something like 5 years ago.  The first two years, I stood by the claim that I'm not convinced it even existed - so certainly I can't have it.  It's a myth.  Made up by lazy people.  At the same time I was told I have Osteoarthritis.  Ok that one makes sense and I know does exist.  Now some 5 years later, I'm told I have progressed to sever Fibromyalgia which brings with it daily headaches leaning towards migraines.  Hmmm....I guess it does exist.  Well that sucks. I've always been a work horse, taking more than my share, longer, harder, pushing thru.  As I look back, the things I've done were like moving mountains.  It's like I personally built the Great Wall of China, carrying each and every stone up the mountain.  I've been on that mountain, twice, it's BIG.  So now it's daunting and discouraging to spend a considerable amount of energy each day pushing thru body pain, head pain and ridiculous fatigue.  Seriously, in my mind I can build the Great Wall and now it's an accomplishment to make it thru the day without a breakdown.  Stupid.  (and scary)

      My "writing assignment" says to go with the "current" of my emotions - where I am now. I am reaching deep to find that inspirational touch.  That "but here's the silver lining."  But sometimes it's just not there.  Sometimes it's just stupid.  That's what I got - stupid. 

      1. Lacking intelligence or common sense
      Synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, dull-witted, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, obtuse, doltish.
      Someone who has to look up "stupid" in the dictionary because they don't know what it means.
      OKAY, now that's funny!  So I think the inspiration here is that life is not stupid, I am for not appreciating life, appreciating all I do have, appreciating the amazing gift of every day .... every sunrise, every sunset, every glorious breath.  Who knew that God speaks thru the Urban Dictionary?  Yeah that was a bit more than a whisper.
      Writing assignment done.